Our patients range in age from infants to seniors. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, or answer yes to 2 or more questions on our self-assessment, call (225) 366-8016 for a consultation!
If your child…
has asthma or exercise-induced asthma
has allergies or sinus issues
plays or sleeps with mouth open (even slightly open)
snores or breathes loudly in sleep
has nighttime accidents or is a restless sleeper
grinds or clenches teeth during day/night
has misaligned teeth
drools, or has difficulty controlling saliva when talking/sleeping
chews with mouth open
has a history of breast feeding difficulties or prolonged bottle use
has a history of prolonged pacifier use or thumb sucking after age of 3
complains of headaches and/or stomach aches
has poor posture
has difficulty paying attention in school
gets anxious when out of typical routine
has a tongue thrust or has been told they were tongue-tied
If you…
have trouble falling or staying asleep
breathe heavily or breathe through your mouth even slightly
wake up tired in the morning
have a history of allergies or sinus issues
have asthma or exercise-induced asthma
have anxiety or become stressed easily
have stomach issues and/or issues with reflux
grind or clench your teeth during the day and/or night
have frequent headaches
have a forward head posture
have neck or jaw pain
have issues with your teeth moving following orthodontic treatment
chew with your mouth open or still use oral habits such as biting nails, or chewing on your pen or lip
have teeth marks on the sides of your tongue or does your tongue rest against your teeth